When All Else Fails: Try Pie!
March 28, 2020
My mom, Kit, and I started Tiny Pies 9 years ago because we loved to bake and we wanted to provide people with the special kind of comfort that only food can provide. We've been baking up smiles since 2011 and have been so thankful for all of you, our wonderful customers, over the years and are proud to have become a fixture in the Austin food scene.
With the huge impact COVID-19 has had on the restaurant industry, we are desperately in need of your help.
Like everyone, Tiny Pies has been greatly affected by COVID-19. As you can imagine, our current sales are much lower than expected during this time of year and we are trying to avoid a shut down at all cost so that we can keep our employees working, employees who depend on this job for their livelihoods. We’re concerned about the wellbeing of our employees and their families and we are determined to do what we can do to avoid more layoffs.
How You Can Help...
We need you, our valued, loyal customers more than ever to keep our doors open and keep paying staff. Every pie that you buy helps to keep our doors open and our staff employed. You can help us today by:
Ordering pies for local curbside take-out and delivery.
Ship our pies to friends and family (then have a Zoom picnic and enjoy them together).
Pre-order pies for an upcoming event through catering@tinypies.com.
Pre-order Easter pies at https://ordering.app/tinypies/
Purchase gift cards for friends, family, first responders, service industry workers.
Liking and sharing our social media posts to get the word out.
To me, the best thing about Austin has always been that we support LOCAL businesses...and that’s what makes Austin such a great place to live. We have lived in Austin since 1976. Austin is my home... it’s where I graduated from high school and the University of Texas. My sons were born here and I’ve raised my family here. It’s also where we launched Tiny Pies. As a long-time Austinite, I know that we can weather this storm and help small businesses survive this very trying time. We are counting on your support of Tiny Pies because we are #tootinytofail. We recognize that everyone is hurting and in need right now, but if you, or anyone you know, has the resources to help while enjoying a delicious pie, we would greatly appreciate support.
Additionally, if you are able, please help support the Central Texas Food Bank feed those in need. To donate to the food bank go to https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/ and click the green ‘donate’ button in the top right corner of the page.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Take care of yourselves and each other and I look forward to the day when I can hug each of you in our stores and tell you thank you in person.
Much love,
Amanda Co-founder, Tiny Pies